If You Can Be Anything . . . Be Kind

If You Can Be Anything . . . Be Kind

There's a little blurb, a list if you will, called, "Old Farmer's Advice" that floats around the Internet every so often.  This writer posted that "advice" on the the refrigerator in January, 2021 in an effort to have more humor, insight and help with decompression from what had become a very toxic work environment.  It was a sincere effort to make 2021 a better, more positive and uplifting year.  Two pieces of advice always stuck out to me - "Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and enjoy the ride." and "You cannot unsay an cruel word". 

Four short months later, in April, 2021, due to a horrific accident, a 13 year-old immediate family member died.  The shock, horror, anguish, pain, sadness and heartbreak that followed was indescribable.  This is what our local community is feeling now at the end of a long, cold and unusually cruel winter.  Sadness has permeated out into our little rural community in the last month or two.

  • This week, a young mother, killed, allegedly by nefarious circumstances, has left behind a motherless child in a incident still under investigation has rocked the local community to it's core.
  • A gunman, dealing with unbearable grief, took his anger out on healthcare workers in a nearby hospital.  He was killed, along with a very young law enforcement officer protecting his fellow officers and citizens. 
  • A caring young nurse, who finally completed her dream of becoming an RN was killed in an fatal auto accident this past month and who was known personally by members of our board.  She leaves behind a disabled husband and several young children.
  • And lastly, a young lady, who's reasons are unknown to this writer, took her own life.  A promising life that ended tragically and so incredibly early.

If you don't live here, these people would just be numbers, just statistics, just people you don't know.

However, the people mentioned above, are not statistics.  They were your fellow humans.  There are more stories like the above, in communities all around the world. Sometimes we get so involved with the day-to-day, that we really don't see each other.  Sometimes, we are unkind to someone with a word, a look, a conversation . . . and maybe now, we take the time to reexamine how we treat each other because . . . well tomorrow is not promised and we're all in this together.

So, we ask you - how have you treated your co-workers today?  your classmates?  Do you give a snarky look to someone dressed poorly?  with obviously well worn tack at the barn?  Have you started or passed on a terrible rumor about someone?  Have you been short with someone because of their age, job situation, education, accent?  YOU can be the positive difference in someone's life . . . YOU can be the one that reaches out and helps!




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