Busy Week at the Farm
Along with our new arrival on the farm, Beau, Triple Dream Farm saw an massive influx of visitors to see, visit and learn about our area and our rescues while having some fun at the same time.
Starting at the end of September, we were happy to host over 20 university students, with their professors from a local university that were studying the area's natural resources, specifically the great elk herd near Benezette, PA. This is not the first large group of university students that we've hosted and certainly will not be the last as our large campsite is able to accommodate this.

(By the way, if you know of an organization, church or community group that you think would be a good fit to take advantage of what we have to offer - Please, pass on our information or email us at: info@tripledreamfarm.com)
Right after our group left, we took a few of our rescues to march in the Smethport Area High School's Homecoming Parade in Smethport, PA! From our biggest, Betty, to the smallest, Hank, our rescues were decked out in the school colors of Orange and Black (easy one for Betty)!
Our board members and volunteers had custom shirts made to show our support for the SASD football team. Porter, Benji and Sweetie were all there for support and all were well received by the community.

The following Sunday, October 1st, Triple Dream Farm hosted it's First Annual Fall Festival Fundraiser featuring interaction with all of our rescues, pony rides, learning about and petting several of our equine rescues asking questions. Bags of scratch grains were handed out to feed the chickens as well as the opportunity to feed treats to the horses or have your face painted. The ducks milled about as guests were able to go on a hay ride and purchase lunch, pumpkins and other items from the vendors that were set up. There was even a fall display for family photos run by one of Triple Dream Farm's board members!
Below are several photos taken that day and, as you can tell, the weather fully cooperated. Triple Dream Farm is in the planning stages for another Spring Open House and Fall Festival for 2024 as they both play an integral part in the operations and care provided for our equine rescues. -
Don't ride, but want to support? As a 501(c)(3) your donation is fully tax deductible! Just type "donation" in the search bar on our home page and see how you can help out! No donation is too small and we utilize every dollar fully for the daily care and support of our equine rescues.